‘Toward A Decolonial Feminism’ (New From Breakdown Editions)

We’re happy to add a new text to our online PDF archive and physical Distro; composed by Breakdown Editions ‘Toward a Decolonial Feminism’ by Maria Lugones is critical look at the identity categories and enforced process of “sexing” and/or “gendering” inherit to the process of colonization. Presenting a critique of existing feminist engagements which fail to acknowledge the ‘colonial difference’ and presenting a perspective towards undoing the processes of colonization that have brought us to this point, the text offers a thorough critique of the intersections between race, gender/sex, and experience of the colonized.

Quote From the Text:

“[. . . ] I propose the modern, colonial, gender system as a lens through which to theorize further the oppressive logic of colonial modernity, its use of hierarchical dichotomies and categorial logic. I want to emphasize categorial, dichotomous, hierarchical logic as central to modern, colonial, capitalist thinking about race, gender, and sexuality.”