What is Trans Logistics?

We are super proud to have the opportunity to distro this text; shared with us by some friends 🙂

What is trans-logistics? is a satirical look at Logistics, Queer and Trans Identity, ‘Radical Milieus’ and the possible connections between these seemingly disparate topics.

Some Quotes from the text:

“For approximately the same time people have been calling themselves trans, logistics trucks with ‘trans’ written on the side, often in amusing combinations and neologisms (made-up words), have been on the

“People who want to resist or live outside of economic capital may find themselves becoming vanguards or pioneers, branching out into new territories for accumulation. Subcultures that value ‘dropping out’ of wages and rent might end up populated by individuals very good at finding ways to get and hold onto capital in non economic forms.

Logistics companies often use the language of social capital and relationship capital in their marketing. Some people who practice relationship anarchy start to sound like miniature corporations, as they balance the books of credit and debit and try to work out if they’re getting enough out of their partners, or calculate whether its advantageous to start out on a new venture. Sometimes contracts are made, and even written out and signed.”

PDF Here: what-is-trans-logistics-final