Liberarnos de ellos (o a traves de ellos)

El texto a continuación es un extracto de ‘Lies: Una revista sobre feminismo materialista’ (volumen 1) escrita por Sky Palace a lo largo de temáticas de luchas en base a la identidad, abolición de la identidad, y comunización. En consonancia con los aportes teóricos del texto, hemos decidido incluir imágenes de grupos que, formados alrededor de asuntos de genero, lucharon por su liberación, mejora de condiciones materiales o la abolición de las categorías que les oprimen. Este fanzine
es parte de “Bootlegs”[1nt] por Down & Out Distro, un
proyecto que aspira a reproducir textos de libros, revistas,
blogs, periódicos, etc, y convertirlos en un compendio de
fanzines de fácil acceso (sin editar los textos en si
mismos). Elegimos textos que portan temas sobre transfeminismos insurreccionalistas, nihilismo queer/abolición de la identidad, crueldad, amoralismo, práctica insurreccional y venganza, y que son presentados como una “colección” que ofrecemos en un esfuerzo hacia construir intimidades/familiaridades con ciertas trayectorias emergentes dentro de la teoría insurreccional- in particular en relación a desarrollos queer y transfeministas en el insurreccionalismo.

[1nt] Bootleg: contrabando, falsificación

Cita Del Texto:

Nuestra visión de la liberación supone no la igualdad de género, sexualidad y raza, sino la abolición de dichas categorías de la identidad como relaciones estructurales que organizan la actividad humana y las dinámicas sociales. Creemos que estas identidades son los nombres de procesos materiales reales del capitalismo – no de algo esencial o salvable dentro de nosotrxs.


War On the State- Not On the Virus

We announce the begging of a new journal; ‘It’s the End of the World as we Know It’- It concerns the Covid-19 virus sweeping through the interior of civilization but not in the way you might expect… We analyze  the consequences of increased militarization, state control, and intervention on our lives. We see this war, as not one against a virus but against the state and all its murderous tendencies. Episode one focus’ mostly on the first signs of the impeding fascism we are all begging to experience on a daily basis- we hope to make more issues- focusing on different aspects of this ongoing conflict…. We have stolen reflections and thoughts from many places, as well as adding our own to the growing body of anti authoritarian literature concerning this pandemic.

We are searching for new stories of the increasing repression, violence, and state control emerging under the guise of “saving” us from this virus; as well as all the stories of rebels breaking the confinement, of prison breaks, attacks on authorities, those denying to be imprisoned at home, and all acts of sabotage against the machinery of death. The next Issue (if it exists) will likely be a documentation of Police and military violence, checkpoints, lock downs, and murders as well as the stories of victories against this new reality from our side. if you have stories to contribute please contact us at:

downandoutdistro at riseup dot net

Quote From the Text:

“We can NEVER trust the state to keep us safe, we can
never trust the state to care about whether we live or die.
All we can trust the state for is the desire to maintain the
broken systems of domination and the religion of the economy.”

“We will build our own measures to protect ourselves, be
they direct conflict: robberies or looting (since most of us
have no access to making money right now and will likely
die of this before we die of any virus), attacks on the
police or surveillance infrastructure, offering food, health
care, and sanitation projects to those most in need, or
providing shelter (such as squats) to those homeless
amongst us who do not have the luxury of quarantining
themselves at home.”

PDF HERE: waronthestate

Covid-19 Poster

As the world struggles with this new Pandemic; we thought here at Down and Out It might be handy to add some advice to the site in the form of a new poster. Please read carefully as this information could save lives.

Extension of Deadline ‘Identity is Crisis’

Due to some slowness in the editing and text writing process, we’ve decided to extend the deadline for submissions for the Identity is Crisis Journal to the end of March 2020.  Thanks to all those who already sent in submissions, we’re getting through them and will be responding shortly. <3 D&O KidZ

We find ourselves stuck inside a suffocating false dichotomy in the realm of (anti) politics as it relates to concerns around the topic of identity. On the one hand, we find that the desire to destroy civilization/society in its totality and to attack in the here and now, is occupied, claimed and recuperated by those only concerned in destroying the existent as long as such an existent does not include themselves. The denials of materialism and materialist reality ever present in the current insurrectionist and nihilist milieus, and the accompanying machismo, racism, rape culture and outright refusal to consider any identity based concerns. The branding of all identity based concerns and the accompanying trajectories as always and only liberal demands for recognition in the face of domination and the associated scathing critiques of all forms of organizing which draw any power from or relation to identity categories as ultimately worthless. On the other hand, the generalized rejection of insurrectional tactics, analysis, and praxis by many trans-feminist, queer, and identity based trajectories has lead to a transition from the simple desire to self actualize/articulate trans-feminism/queerness and its necessary demands ending in constructionist logics which hyper valorize, celebrate, and execptionalise the very identities in which our experience of oppression(s) is rooted. We experience a great degree of disappointment in this impasse- what we are searching is an (anti) politics, which both embraces and reckons with the every day realities and lived experiences of those who experience identity based oppression, whilst also squarely aiming our hostility at the totality of the world which creates them; we wish to present a critique which both acknowledges the very real consequences of identity in the here and now, and attempts to undo the entirety of its constructions. We agree, identity is entirely social constructed, it is the product of thousands of years of domestication, brutality, violence, domination, and one central building block of civilization; where we stray from the traditional insurrectional perspective is in rejecting the naivety of believing that by simply refusing to recognize identity or identity based concerns as important is enough to de-nature them as powerfully violent. Further we hold firm to the belief that fighting anti sexist/racist/colonial struggles is in fact a central field in war against ‘the existent’. The fact that identities are social constructs doesn’t mean they don’t need to be recognized and then destroyed- one cannot hope to destroy an enemy which one refuses to except even exists. When one declares war on society, one accepts the existence of society; our war on identity is inseparable from our war on society, from the war on civilization; but this takes understanding, recognition, and sometimes organization based around those very identities.’

We are hoping to bring together a series of texts, whose focus lies in the realm of identity abolition, but whose praxis is rooted in materialist understandings of and engagements with identity. We are searching for new and existing pieces which challenge readers to engage with the every day lived experiences of those who contend with identity based oppression(s), whilst also aiming hostility squarely at the identities themselves and the worlds which they create. Submissions can come in the form of texts, poems, artworks or any other medium you see fit and are not limited to a specific word count. Submissions should be in by the end of March 2020- and sent to downandoutdistro(at)riseup(dot)net; if selected, texts will be included in their entirety and not edited by us, though we reserve the right not to include any texts we feel do not fit the line of engagement we wish to highlight. The collection will include an editorial from D&O addressing our own understanding and critique of identity  as well as engagements with what we see as the failings in both insurrectional and identity based trajectories to deal with the topic. Other texts so far proposed  for the journal cover topics including migration, sex work, experience of racialised identities, and nihilist feminism.

Text can be Submitted in English, French, or Greek, though texts not in English will be translated by us and the Journal will only be available in English.


LAISSE.MOI.MOURIR (Traduction de Let.Me.Die)


Nouveau Traduction par BreakDown Editions:

“Quand l’on vit éternellement dans une cage, quand la possibilité même de la mortalité nous est dérobé morceau par morceau et que la réalité terrifiante d’une ‘humanité immortelle’ se rapproche de jour en jour, quand être à peine gardé en vie par ce monde est le prix à payer pour exister, et quand toute possibilité d’accès à la plus petite des libertés, la possibilité de réellement vivre, nous est volée sous prétexte de nous garder en sécurité/safe, il ne peut y avoir qu’une seule demande à faire à cette réalité cauchemardesque… LAISSE.MOI.MOURIR.”

Text Ici:

PDF ICI: laissemoimourir

Mords la main qui te nourris

[Traduction par BreakDown Editions]

‘Je ne me sentirais pas capable de m’appeler une survivante avant que chaque client n’ai été tué.
Je n’aurais aucune pitié et ne ressentirais aucune culpabilité, mais si t’as vraiment besoin de te raconter une histoire, tu peux le voir de cette manière: tuer des clients n’est que légitime défense, on se bat pour nos vies.’

‘je ne suis pas née femme, je ne suis pas née lesbienne, je ne suis pas née pute, j’ai été exilée dans une femme, dans une lesbienne, et dans une pute. Et de mon exil j’ai embrassé la criminalité, et depuis mon exil je réduirais à néant le monde qui m’a nommé, genré, violé, a tué mes ami.e.s.’

PDF ICI: mords

Ka Najvećoj Queer Pobuni

Mary Nardini* Gang je queer pobunjenička formacija iz Milwaukeeja u državi Wisconsin, koja se s pamfletom ‘Ka najvećoj queer pobuni’ u javnosti pojavila kasnih 2000-ih. Banda je bila aktivna u mreži danas poznatijoj pod sloganom ‘Bash Back!’ ili ‘Uzvrati udarac’. Osim Mary Nardini Gang, poznati su i pod imenom Banda queer kriminalaca. U nizu tekstova i publikacija bave se aktivističkim strategijama, kritikom politika identiteta i liberalnih queer putanja sklonih asimilacionizmu queera kao ‘nestabilnog prostora postojanja’, pozivajući na beskompromisnu praksu totalnog društvenog konflikta sa svim institucijama bijelog muškog heteropatrijarhata. Queer i kriminalac ovdje nisu identiteti ili kategorije, nego prije alati pobune protiv identiteta i kategorija. Tekst ‘Towards the Queerest Insurrection’ pojavio se 2011. godine i u knjizi Bash Back Anthology u izdanju Ardent Press. (Preveo i priredio Boris Filipić)

citat iz teksta:

“Queer uključuje našu seksualnost i našu rodnost, ali je mnogo više od toga. Naša je želja i naša fantazija – uvijek veća i veća. Queer je kohezija svega onoga što je u konfliktu s heteroseksualnim kapitalističkim svijetom. Queer je potpuno odbacivanje režima Normalnog.”

PDF OVDE: nardini

New Year- ‘I’m Loving It’

Every new year, we are faced once again with the sense that the impending doom all around us draws closer and closer,  every single day might already be a nightmare, but what we all know deep, deep down; is that it can probably only get worse from here; the forests are burning, the waters rising, the air slowly choking us, the graveyard of debris circling the earths atmosphere (satellites and other useless space junk) grows exponentially, and the avenues of possible freedom are squeezed tighter and tighter, we could hope for the apocalypse, but lets face it we’re already there and it’s not that fucking great.

However, every now again there’s some good news; our personal highlight of 2019 is the knowledge that one french cop committed suicide every four days last year (we hope our poster helped in at least some of the cases)- with this in mind we decided to drop some new posters, to give us all a boost for the new years. With thanks to Ronald himself for the inspiration:


Callout for Submissions ‘Identity is Crisis’

We find ourselves stuck inside a suffocating false dichotomy in the realm of (anti) politics as it relates to concerns around the topic of identity. On the one hand, we find that the desire to destroy civilization/society in its totality and to attack in the here and now, is occupied, claimed and recuperated by those only concerned in destroying the existent as long as such an existent does not include themselves. The denials of materialism and materialist reality ever present in the current insurrectionist and nihilist milieus, and the accompanying machismo, racism, rape culture and outright refusal to consider any identity based concerns. The branding of all identity based concerns and the accompanying trajectories as always and only liberal demands for recognition in the face of domination and the associated scathing critiques of all forms of organizing which draw any power from or relation to identity categories as ultimately worthless. On the other hand, the generalized rejection of insurrectional tactics, analysis, and praxis by many trans-feminist, queer, and identity based trajectories has lead to a transition from the simple desire to self actualize/articulate trans-feminism/queerness and its necessary demands ending in constructionist logics which hyper valorize, celebrate, and execptionalise the very identities in which our experience of oppression(s) is rooted. We experience a great degree of disappointment in this impasse- what we are searching is an (anti) politics, which both embraces and reckons with the every day realities and lived experiences of those who experience identity based oppression, whilst also squarely aiming our hostility at the totality of the world which creates them; we wish to present a critique which both acknowledges the very real consequences of identity in the here and now, and attempts to undo the entirety of its constructions. We agree, identity is entirely social constructed, it is the product of thousands of years of domestication, brutality, violence, domination, and one central building block of civilization; where we stray from the traditional insurrectional perspective is in rejecting the naivety of believing that by simply refusing to recognize identity or identity based concerns as important is enough to de-nature them as powerfully violent. Further we hold firm to the belief that fighting anti sexist/racist/colonial struggles is in fact a central field in war against ‘the existent’. The fact that identities are social constructs doesn’t mean they don’t need to be recognized and then destroyed- one cannot hope to destroy an enemy which one refuses to except even exists. When one declares war on society, one accepts the existence of society; our war on identity is inseparable from our war on society, from the war on civilization; but this takes understanding, recognition, and sometimes organization based around those very identities.’

We are hoping to bring together a series of texts, whose focus lies in the realm of identity abolition, but whose praxis is rooted in materialist understandings of and engagements with identity. We are searching for new and existing pieces which challenge readers to engage with the every day lived experiences of those who contend with identity based oppression(s), whilst also aiming hostility squarely at the identities themselves and the worlds which they create. Submissions can come in the form of texts, poems, artworks or any other medium you see fit and are not limited to a specific word count. Submissions should be in by the end of February 2020- and sent to downandoutdistro(at)riseup(dot)net; if selected, texts will be included in their entirety and not edited by us, though we reserve the right not to include any texts we feel do not fit the line of engagement we wish to highlight. The collection will include an editorial from D&O addressing our own understanding and critique of identity  as well as engagements with what we see as the failings in both insurrectional and identity based trajectories to deal with the topic. Other texts so far proposed  for the journal cover topics including migration, sex work, experience of racialised identities, and nihilist feminism.

Text can be Submitted in English, French, or Greek, though texts not in English will be translated by us and the Journal will only be available in English.