‘Bite the Hand that Feeds You’

The latest text brought out on our edition; ‘Bite the Hand that Feeds You’ is an illegalist and insurrectional assessment of prostitution written by people within the trade. Railing against, work, clients, civilization and society; the text is a brutal and effective punch in the face to liberal and stateist narratives around work and particularly work in the sex industry. Featuring practical tips on how to take revenge, and pictures of armed individuals ready to do so this text brings the fire!!!! Accredited to Caina Rizieri Ferrari of the Cagna Sciolta Gang 2k19.

Quotes from the Text:

“i won’t be able to call myself a survivor until every single trick has been killed. i won’t have no mercy and feel no guilt, but if you really need to tell yourself a story you can think about it this way: killing tricks is mere self defense, we’re fighting for our life.”

“i wasn’t born a woman, i wasn’t born a lesbian and i wasn’t born a whore, i’ve been exiled into a woman, into a lesbian and into a whore and from my exile i have embraced criminality, and from my exile i will annihilate the world that named me, gendered me, raped me, killed my friends.”

PDF HERE: bitethehandthatfeeds