After a really long time of wanting to produce a collection about the Mary Nardini Gang, and several months work of collation, editing, and call-outs for contributions we are excited to announce our latest title ‘The Mary Nardini Gang, Vengeance, and the Implausibility of Liberal Queerness’. The collection features all the writings claimed by or attributed to the gang, as well as the critiques offered in Hostis I ‘A journal of Incivility’ of the Bash Back! trajectory and the conversations between the Mary Nardini Gang and the editors of Hostis in volume II of the journal. To bring the gangs actions and outputs into the European context, and to offer the idea of shared connection in queer insurectional praxis we also present a ‘forward’ from our own contexts and a brief summary of each of the texts contained in attempt to familiarize readers from outside so called North America with the emergent trends of insurrectional trans-feminism and queer nihilism in these contexts. We also include, a short pictorial insight into Queer and Trans Feminist Insurrectional practices in Europe with photos collected from anonymous contributors across the continent.
Quotes from the Text:
“We are fucking sick of being forced to make a choice between riotous anarchist and insurgent scenes which fail to look at there own defense of the existent (through supporting rapists, transphobes, and racists- all of which they claim as mere identitarian concerns) and Liberal Queer ones where ‘anti oppression’ ends at personal behaviors and not with shooting police.”
“This world—the police and armies that defend it, the institutions that constitute it, the architecture that gives it shape, the subjectivities that populate it, the apparatuses that administer its function, the schools that inscribe its ideology, the activism that franticly responds to its crises, the arteries of its circulation and flows, the commodities that define life within it, the communication networks that proliferate it, the information technology that surveils and records it—must be annihilated in every instance, all at once.”
“In the end , we are not worried about queer vengeance being reactionary. We think that blackmail is an underappreciated art. Perhaps queer vengeance is often not reactionary enough – lacking the strength to defeat our enemies, not deep enough to rid ourselves of their systems of oppression, and without the persistence to destroy the world that they’ve created.”
PDF HERE: mary nradini